
The dateline model provides the dateline with various pieces of information so that it can layout itself correctly.

  • Resolutions - A resolution defines which temporal unit to show (e.g. hours) and how to format it. It also contains the information whether it can be shown in a top, bottom, or middle scale. Each model usually defines a long list of such resolutions. The more resolutions are defined the more flexible the dateline becomes when it comes to zooming in and out.
  • Time Zones - The dateline allows the user to switch between different time zones. The model defines which zones are available.
  • Scale Count - The dateline is composed of a set of dateline scales (top, bottom, several middle scales). The model can be used to define the currently visible, the minimum and the maximum number of scales that the user can choose to see.
  • Temporal Units - The dateline calls back onto the model to lookup the "next" temporal unit after it has either failed or succeeded to create a scale for the current unit.

The dateline model is a typed model. ScheduleJS ships with a base ChronoUnitDatelineModel that you can use natively in most scenarios.

Please note that the currently used timezone is managed by the Dateline, not the model.